The Web of Creation website discuss their organization aim and services that they provide:
"The Web of Creation was established to foster the movement for personal and social transformation to a just and sustainable world from religious perspectives. To that end, the information at this site will:
-Connect you with ideas, resources and strategies for doing eco-justice
-Inform, inspire, encourage, educate you about eco-justice
-Support you in your efforts to live, work and pray in ways that promote eco-justice
The Web of Creation has also been developed to provide information and connections for theology students interested in environmental ministry."
The United Church of Christ has taken an active role in environmental stewardship. They have made multiple statements about various aspects of the environment. This link provided by Environmental Ministries discusses various critical environmental justice issues. If you are looking for ideas on how to live more Eco-friendly in your own life, or simply searching for a great set of resources, check them out!