Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director of Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, issued a statement of disappointment in President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement. “The Reform Movement condemns, with the utmost gravity and disappointment, the President’s decision to exit the historic Paris Climate Agreement… Joining with people of faith worldwide, including Pope Francis, the Reform Movement has strongly supported efforts to address the causes and impact of our changing climate.”
The author recounts an unsettling encounter with a utility worker who downplayed the environmental harm of her gas leak. From here, she explains the true negative impacts of methane emissions on both people and the climate, and encourages us to act in a way that "turns around our relationship with Earth". She connects this with the Jewish tradition of Teshuvah, the time in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kuppur meant for repentance.
The “Green Team” at the Community Synagogue of Rye in Westchester, New York works to create projects that focus on sustainability within their congregation, and in the surrounding community. Through renewable energy initiatives, community supported agriculture, youth involvement, group nature hikes, and other related projects, the Green Team approaches environmental stewardship through the lens of Jewish teachings and scripture. They work closely with the Westchester Jewish Greening Group, a related religious environmental organization, in efforts to bring more sustainable, “greener” practices to the Westchester County community. Through these activities and initiatives, the Green Team works to live out the value of Tikkun Olam - ‘repairing the world’.