4 items
Episcopal Church, Church of Sweden, ELCA commitment: "Sustaining hope in the face of climate change"
The heads The Episcopal Church, the Church of Sweden, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) signed a joint commitment to climate statement. The following are five salient points from their commitment:
"1) Advocate for national and international policies and regulations that enable a swift transition from dependence on fossil fuels to clean, safe, renewable energy, and for economic systems that are fair and just.
2) Sustain an interfaith, international conversation around climate change and social and economic justice while working to keep climate change in the public’s attention.
3) Encourage our faith communities to deeper theological reflection on the moral and ethical response to climate change, and then to make public witness about climate change through advocacy at the local, national and international levels.
4) Invite our communities to prayerfully consider how their own actions, lifestyle choices – particularly our energy consumption -- affect the environment.
5) Offer our communities continued opportunities to learn about climate change and the universal church’s response to this crisis." -
Bellwether Farm
The Bellwether Farm is run by the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio in Wakeman, Ohio. The Farm promotes sustainable and organic agricultural practices and is also a place of worship and prayer. Bellwether Farm holds retreats for individuals and groups in and outside of the Episcopal Diocese who want to further their faith and appreciation of the Earth. There are also day and summer camp programs as well as a book club to get involved in. This statement is from their website:
"Grounded in an ecological spirituality, we at Bellwether Farm seek to care for Earth, welcome guests and make decisions which reflect an on-going awareness of both our responsibility and our joy in living in harmony with all that is. We study, pray, live in community and work within a framework that strives to honor the sacred dimension of creation".
Episcopalians Confronting Climate Change
This article discusses American Episcopalians' concern over climate change and the impact with regard to those facing poverty. The introduction to the article is stated below:
"In September 2011, the House of Bishops in the Episcopal Church, attending a meeting in Quito, Ecuador, sent a pastoral letter to Episcopal clergy worldwide expressing 'mounting urgency' to address climate change within church membership. The letter argued the critical need for Christians to care for all of God’s creation and urged that justice be sought for the poor, who it said will suffer most from climate change." -
Episcopalians bring spiritual urgency to youth-led climate strikes
The Episcopal News Service shares stories of Episcopalians from around the country engaging in climate strikes. Episcopal leaders spoke on behalf of the environment, bringing the Christian responsibility to protect the earth into the discussion. Episcopal bishops, priests, and students all stood in support of climate change, citing the urgency of the threat.