4 items
The United Methodist Women: Be Just. Be Green.
Part of the mission for the United Methodist Women organization includes promoting economic and environmental stewardship and sustainability. Their national office has made climate justice one of its four social justice priorities. More specifically, they focus on how climate change impacts people in different ways, depending upon the geographic region where they reside.
The Women’s Carbon Fund is dedicated to carbon issues, focusing on aid to women and children, who make up 70% of the world’s poor according to They aim to account for gender roles and to incorporate women’s voices because they believe policy makers fail to do so. This organization supports women-led projects that lower CO2 emissions, communities whose lives have been affected by climate change, and climate and energy advocacy initiatives led by women for women.
Their focus on environmental justice stems from their theological belief from the United Methodist Book of Discipline, “All creation is the Lord’s, and we are responsible for the ways in which we use and abuse it. Water, air, soil, minerals, energy resources, plants, animal life, and space are to be valued and conserved because they are God’s creation and not solely because they are useful to human beings. God has granted us stewardship of creation. We should meet these stewardship duties through acts of loving care and respect (Social Principles, 160).” -
Engaged Organizations: Caretakers of God’s Creation
Caretakers of God’s Creation is a grassroots community of the United Methodist Church General Board of Global Ministries. Part of their central belief is the scriptural and Wesleyan theology that the earth belongs to God, not us, and we are given the responsibility to be good stewards of it. The caretakers are on a mission to reveal God to others through creation and motivate people to act on behalf of environmental wholeness and justice. Their website shares more of who they are and what they’ve done.
The General Board of Global Ministries recently launched their new Earthkeeper Program (or brochure) where individuals can engage the movement to face ecological challenges in their congregations and communities. The caretakers share their stewardship stories and encourage others to share their story about protecting and caring for God’s creation. They also provide films, books, information about other faith-based environmental organizations and other resources about how to care for the earth on their website.
Caretakers of God’s Creation will be having their Annual Caring for God’s Creation Conference on April 28/29, which will be folded into the People’s Climate Movement March. -
Environmental Statement – United Methodist Church
The Bishops of the United Methodist Church released a statement entitled: God’s Renewed Creation: Call to Hope and Action. In this statement, they urge individuals to view themselves as a part of creation, and make the necessary adjustments to stop inflicting harming the environment. One salient message is that individuals should take on the roles of being stewards for the planet if there is any hope of redeeming earth from destruction. -
Profile: Rev. Pat Watkins
The Reverend Pat Watkins is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church. He is guiding a new, globally-focused United Methodist Ministry with God’s Renewed Creation, based at Global Ministries and also closely related to the Council of Bishops. While faith has traditionally looked at relationship with God and relationships with other people, he began to see a relationship between faith and the created order. Please click the link below to read more about Reverend Watkins: