John Worthington-Hill describes how Buddhism can encourage environmental awareness and sustainability. Embracing individuality is our disconnection from the natural world. In order to live in unity with the earth, we must find the 'middle way' (a buddhist morality based on self-discipline). "Self-centeredness is the great illness from which all imbalance, insensitivity and abuse ultimately stem – an illness directly linked to the Buddha’s ‘three poisons of greed, ill-will and delusion’. These poisonous mentalities seep into the collective consciousness and are instilled in the norms and structures of culture and society, helping to direct how politics and economics deal with the environment." "Environmental destruction is therefore an outer manifestation of an inner affliction. If our thoughts are polluted, then our actions will be polluted too, and so will their consequences."
This article covers Pope Francis's reaction to the world governments responses to climate change. The Pope writes to unite people through religion in an effort to bring awareness to the movement. The article details how the church is divesting in fossil fuel companies. The article also focuses on the political divide and how it affects people's views on the climate crisis.
The “Green Team” at the Community Synagogue of Rye in Westchester, New York works to create projects that focus on sustainability within their congregation, and in the surrounding community. Through renewable energy initiatives, community supported agriculture, youth involvement, group nature hikes, and other related projects, the Green Team approaches environmental stewardship through the lens of Jewish teachings and scripture. They work closely with the Westchester Jewish Greening Group, a related religious environmental organization, in efforts to bring more sustainable, “greener” practices to the Westchester County community. Through these activities and initiatives, the Green Team works to live out the value of Tikkun Olam - ‘repairing the world’.
There has been a recent rise in the popularity of houseplants. This resource relates aspects of tending to houseplants to different ways you can be more mindful about your own life. Through caring for the houseplants, this web page reminds you to be adaptable, to be patient, and to expand yourself. While also additionally reminding the reader that letting go and paying attention to your physical health are both key in positive personal growth.
As a part of the Equator Initiative and the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), the Nature-Based Solutions Database connects communities through sharing thousands of viable eco-solutions from 500+ communities across five continents.
Explore the Solutions Database to learn how outstanding local communities and indigenous peoples around the world are making possible the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through nature-based actions.