The Carmelite NGO has created new curriculum on Laudato Si’: Laudato Si’ Can Change the World. It is meant for grades 9-12 and also includes an adult study guide meant for study groups or college classes. The program is available to purchase on their website.
This reflection on Laudato Si’ is a resource from Ecospirituality. It highlights important quotes and offers additional resources related to creation care. Suggested actions are listed in addition to the weekly reflection program.
A prayer for those who are sick, vulnerable, and/or have passed away due to illness, to Mother Mary and Son Jesus; Adapted from the prayer of Pope Francis, provided by the Knights of Columbus.
Catholic Climate Covenant has created their 2018 Earth Day with the theme of reducing waste. Titled Beyond a Throwaway Culture: Reduce Waste- Grow Community, the focus is on single-use disposable plastics and how they contribute to land and marine pollution. The program includes prayers, readings, actions, and a video.
Climate Change: A Matter of Faith is a list of talking points created by Blessed Tomorrow. The talking points are meant to be a starting point for faith communities providing a prophetic voice to inspire others to work towards a healthier and safer world. The list also offers possible counterpoints and how to respond.