John Worthington-Hill describes how Buddhism can encourage environmental awareness and sustainability. Embracing individuality is our disconnection from the natural world. In order to live in unity with the earth, we must find the 'middle way' (a buddhist morality based on self-discipline). "Self-centeredness is the great illness from which all imbalance, insensitivity and abuse ultimately stem – an illness directly linked to the Buddha’s ‘three poisons of greed, ill-will and delusion’. These poisonous mentalities seep into the collective consciousness and are instilled in the norms and structures of culture and society, helping to direct how politics and economics deal with the environment." "Environmental destruction is therefore an outer manifestation of an inner affliction. If our thoughts are polluted, then our actions will be polluted too, and so will their consequences."
There has been a recent rise in the popularity of houseplants. This resource relates aspects of tending to houseplants to different ways you can be more mindful about your own life. Through caring for the houseplants, this web page reminds you to be adaptable, to be patient, and to expand yourself. While also additionally reminding the reader that letting go and paying attention to your physical health are both key in positive personal growth.
This blog article describes the basics of permaculture (permanent culture). Permaculture is rooted in the observation of natural systems and indigenous knowledge. The author introduces the solution permaculture offers to help us transition to a more resilient, ethical, and sustainable future better for the planet and its inhabitants.
Many ecosystems around the world, from forests to coral reefs, are in decline, victims of pollution, climate change and resource extraction.
But faith-based organizations are increasingly stepping in to help repair these natural spaces. From projects to save Ethiopia's forests to yogic farming in India to botanic gardens in Qatar, in many cases, religious leaders have become environmental influencers, championing nature-based solutions that experts say are crucial to saving the ecosystems that underpin human society.