16 items
Religious Statements on Climate Change from Interfaith Power and Light
Interfaith Power & Light has compiled a list of different religious community’s statements on climate change. The list includes statements from different denominations including: Baha’i, Buddhist, Christianity, Hindu, Interfaith, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, and Unitarian Universalist. -
Faith & Climate Action Day 2017
Faith & Climate Action Day will be held on October 12th at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus. There will be an interfaith prayer gathering from 11-11:45 AM then from 12 to 3 PM state legislators will be speaking on the importance of climate change. -
The Regeneration Project
The Regeneration Project was created as the parent project of Interfaith Power&Light. It is meant to help deepen the connection between ecology and faith and to help people of faith recognize and fulfill their responsibility for the stewardship of creation. They do so through educational programs for clergy and congregations -
Tu' B'Shvat: The Green of Judaism
Tu B’Shvat: The Greening of Judaism is a handout from Interfaith Family. It offers a brief overview of Tu B’Shvat and different activities to celebrate the holiday. It also offers examples of how to be caretakers of the earth. To read the entire handout, click below. -
Creation Centered Hymns
Faith Climate Action Week created a resource for creation centered hymns. This list offers hymns on a variety of topics including equality of creatures, the beauty of the earth, and more. -
Nationwide Climate Prayer
Faith Climate Action Week, an initiative from Interfaith Power & Light, has created a nationwide prayer for the climate. You can add your name to a list to commit to participate and join together to pray for action on climate change. -
Engaged Organizations: Cool Harvest
Cool Harvest is a food, faith, and climate program created by Interfaith Power & Light. Cool Harvest focuses on responding to climate change by educating members on climate-friendly food choices. Their website aims to provide resources in order to help others understand the harsh toll modern agribusiness takes on the atmosphere. They provide tips and recipes on food and gardening and also informational movies and stories on the success of others. -
Faith Climate Action Week
Previously known as Preach-In, Faith Climate Action Week is put on by Interfaith Power & Light from April 17th- 23rd. This campaign focuses on climate healing and action with an entire week of activities around Earth Day. This years theme is Act on Climate with an emphasis on how to take action to protect climate laws. There are events all over the country and there are more being added continuously. -
Profile: Rev. Meribah Mansfield
The Rev. Meribah Mansfield has been involved with Ohio Interfaith Power and Light since its initial meeting in October 2007. She served on its founding board from 2008-2011, and rejoined the board in 2016. Care for creation is fundamental to her faith… -
Profile: Jessica Shimberg
Jessica K. Shimberg, joined the board of Ohio Interfaith Power and Light in 2014 as a natural progression within her “rabbinistry.” A lifelong learner, advocate, and partner with the earth, Jessica has long been associated with Jewish organizations that offer environmental education and advocacy and assist Jews in recognizing Judaism’s sacred relationship with the environment. She is fond of noting that before we were a “People of the Book,” we were a People of the Land – the Hebrew word for man (adam) shares its root (aleph-dalet-mem) with the word for earth/land (adamah). And although very comfortable in sacred indoor spaces, she feels most connected to the Divine Source of Life when among the trees or in the desert southwes -
Profile: Sara Ward
Sara Ward, Executive Director of Ohio Interfaith Power & Light since August of 2011, is one of its original steering committee members and previously served as the Advocacy Chair of the Board. She is a recipient of the 2013 Living Faith Award and is a Green Faith Fellow, a comprehensive education and training program to prepare lay and ordained leaders from diverse religious traditions for environmental leadership. -
Profile: Marti Hunter
Marti Hunter is the Communications Consultant for Ohio Interfaith Power and Light. She has a background in both religious education and communications work.
“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.”-William Shakespeare -
The Poverty of Global Climate Change
Interfaith Power & Light offers The Poverty of Global Climate Change, a National Council of Churches Eco Justice resource on the impacts of climate change, especially on the poor and vulnerable population. This document states background information on climate change, how humans make it worse with our daily habits, and how to start on the path to making it right. It also offers sermon starters and other resources to help teach the relation between faith and the environment. -
Black Swamp Green Team Joins Ohio IPL
The Black Swamp Green Team is a collaboration of faith communities, advocacy groups, non-profit entities, and individuals engaged in promoting and practicing good creation care in Bowling Green, Ohio. This team has become a “Regional Partner” with Ohio IPL with a common mission to address climate change. -
Interfaith Day of Community Service
Columbus Global Academy is holding an event on Earth Day, April 22nd, from 12:30 to 4:30. People of all faiths and cultures are invited to attend and participate in a day of community service and fellowship. The goal of this service day is to make the school building a more welcoming environment for the wide variety of students. Projects will include painting and gardening in the courtyards and helping to construct a soccer field for students to use. A community potluck and celebration with music will follow the work portion of the day. -
Interfaith Power and Light
"Interfaith Power & Light effort began in 1998 with Episcopal Power & Light and the support of Grace Cathedral as a unique coalition of Episcopal churches aggregated to purchase renewable energy. In 2000, this Episcopal effort broadened its focus, brought in other faith partners, and California Interfaith Power & Light was born.
California IPL developed a successful organizational model that engaged hundreds of congregations, educated thousands of people of faith about the moral and ethical mandate to address global warming, and helped pass California’s landmark climate and clean energy laws. Building on California’s success, this model has now been adopted by 40 state affiliates, and we are working to establish Interfaith Power & Light programs in every state.
The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham, IPL founder, has brought widespread attention to the link between religious faith and the environment. As one of the first faith leaders to fully recognize global warming as a core moral issue, she has mobilized thousands of religious people to put their faith into action through energy stewardship. Sally continues to serve IPL as a President Emeritus."