Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director of Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, issued a statement of disappointment in President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement. “The Reform Movement condemns, with the utmost gravity and disappointment, the President’s decision to exit the historic Paris Climate Agreement… Joining with people of faith worldwide, including Pope Francis, the Reform Movement has strongly supported efforts to address the causes and impact of our changing climate.”
The article highlights Temple Israel of Minneapolis's achievement of LEED Gold Certification, reflecting their commitment to sustainability through a multi-year renovation project. This accomplishment aligns with their Jewish values, particularly the principle of Pikuach Nefesh, which emphasizes protecting life and the environment. The synagogue's efforts extend beyond their building to include community-wide initiatives such as climate action resource fairs and partnerships with environmental organizations. Their ongoing commitment to sustainability is showcased through continuous improvements and active participation in broader climate justice movements.