Chief executives of the six churches of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) provide their rationale for creating the Collaborative Agenda on Environmental Stewardship:
"Noting the deep concern about urgent environmental challenges expressed by many commissioners at the 221st General Assembly (2014), chief executives of the six agencies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) appointed a working group to develop a joint response. The group consisting of at least one staff member per agency—was asked to craft a positive statement of what each agency, and the agencies together, have done and plan to do regarding environmental stewardship. This document is designed to call attention to ongoing efforts by the PC(USA) to confront the underlying causes of climate change, and to resources available through the six agencies to congregations, mid councils, and other mission and ministry groups wishing to join in the effort. The working group, meeting together regularly over a period of nine months, has produced the following document— 'Collaborative Agenda on Environmental Stewardship.' It has been reviewed by each of the agency boards, which have each endorsed the document as a whole and recommended that the General Assembly also endorse it as a helpful resource to the whole denomination. This effort is particularly noteworthy as it is unusual for an item of business to come to the assembly from a collaboration of all six agencies."