Creation Justice Ministries encourages Christian communities to consider water as a sacred gift from God that connects and sustains all life. They have created a free Christian education resource on water that includes liturgical resources, sermon starters, and ideas to take action.
Church World Service released a statement after the announcement that the United Stated will withdraw from the Paris agreement: “CWS strongly condemns President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Coming at a time when the world is facing its largest humanitarian and refugee crisis since World War II, this decision will directly impact impoverished and vulnerable communities around the world and in the United States that are already facing the consequences of a changing climate.”
The New Community Project created a creative arts page to offer resources for justice, peace, and care for creation. In the caring for creation section, there are skits, checklists, and worship resources all centered around this topic.
Wade in the Water is a worship resource from the New Community Project. It calls for the stewardship of water and is a 20 minute worship service, including a hymn, about water as a precious resource. To read or download Wade in the Water, see below.