The Reverend Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), issued an Earth Day statement on behalf of the ELCA. A salient excerpt from the statement is shown below:
"The effects of the warming climate are felt in nearly every corner of the globe. These include increased migration, food insecurity due to changing agricultural landscapes, national security issues and health problems. As bad as it is for all creation, the most vulnerable people around the world are suffering the most. Yet they have contributed the least and, as noted in the United Nation's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,[iii] are ill equipped to adapt to or mitigate the effects of a changing climate to build resilient communities."
The Presbyterian Church has put forth this video on care for creation, emphasizing that Christ has called us to go out into the world to care for creation and our fellow humans, especially the poor. The Union of Concerned Scientists has identified food, transportation, and energy as three key areas of focus to help stem climate change Congregations can help by implementing energy saving techniques, participate in recycling and composting waste, teaching children to grow food, and incorporating salient creation care concepts within educational settings.
This statement was approved by the 207th General Assembly Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 1995. The predominant theme focuses on the impact that hazardous waste has on individuals who are suffering from poverty and minority groups. The final section provides suggestions for taking action.