"Checking on the chickens with the next generation. We built the coop from recycled materials, the chickens eat much of our food waste, provide eggs, and encourage us to think about the cycle of our consumption and how we can be more sustainable. We want our son to approach his entire life this way, and these chickens will be his responsibility as soon as able. We live in the city of Columbus so we try to bring a different lifestyle to city living."
Taken by Grace Freeman. Submitted to the Sustainability Photo Contest.
"Exploring Fresh Produce in a Chinese Wet Market: The diverse array of vegetables is what I long for the most about my homeland China, and there is no better place to shop for vegetables than wet markets, where produce is locally sourced. This is what sustainability looks like for me––where people eat green and shop locally. The photo features a typical vegetable stall at Tuandao Market in Qingdao, my partner’s hometown, where we savored last year’s summer together." Taken by Mianmian Fei. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.
"This photo depicts a gateway into sustainability. Portraying a pathway into a huge lush garden. I believe gardens of any kind are a sustainable practice. That brings people closer to the earth while also providing a variety of amenities for said people. Not to mention the wildlife that flourishes too.This photo was taken in the fall of 2022 at the botanical gardens in Madison WI. In my mind I envision you’re entering a new world which is a lush paradise. Among that it’s filled with vocal birds, reptiles of all kinds, an array of colorful flowers. On the flip side I also envision as if you’re leaving the suffocating, bland concrete world behind." Taken by Logan Gosse. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.
"A mid-winter stroll on a pier in beautiful Lake Erie. This lake is the most valued fishery in all of the Great Lakes. Keeping this lake clean is important for the human and non-human residents that depend on this water source. A resource that sustains all life." Taken by Gabriel Sanchez. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.
"Backpackers hike through green woods in this peaceful mountain setting, with a soft gray sky overhead. Cows graze in the area nearby, blending in perfectly with the quiet surroundings. This harmonious existence is a representation of sustainable life, in which people and animals coexist on the land with appreciation and respect. We guarantee the protection of this natural sanctuary so that future generations can continue to appreciate its unspoiled beauty through ethical exploration and efforts to conserve." Taken by Eszter Horompoli-Toth. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.
"This photo was taken as my father took us around what used to be the family farm. It was sold in 2016 as excessive banana farming dried up the rivers nearby and became unsustainable. As of now, livestock has begun to thrive again as the cessation of banana farming on the land has allowed for the land to return to what it was before." Taken by Cristian Vallecillo. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.
"Pictured is a chick I am raising for my flock. The chickens are raised with sustainable feeding methods, including grazing for worms, bugs, and plants outside. Their waste is used as fertilizer for my summer garden!" Taken by Reily Jacobs Bell. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.
"Growing starters with the whole family builds appreciation for the growing process and how our food comes to be. I especially love that the labels were drawn by my 10yo daughter." Taken by Kimberly Winslow. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Contest.
"Marinara jars filled with dirt being used to start and herb garden. This reuses the glass jars, and the grown herbs can be used in cooking." Taken by Hannah Herrmann. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.
"Entangled Tomato: Demonstrating adaptation, growth, and commitment to sustainable food systems amidst the obstacles of an urban environment." Taken by Prabhjot Singh. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.