28 items
United Church of Christ Environmental Justice Ministries
"From the birth of the environmental justice movement in the 1980s to the local ministries of churches throughout the country today, the United Church of Christ has been making a profound difference in caring for God’s creation. Learn more about our history, the Creation Justice Church program, Earth Day resources, the Pollinator newsletter, Creation Justice Webinars, and the work of the UCC Council for Climate Justice." -
Marianist Environmental Education Center
"The Marianist Environmental Education Center (MEEC) is an environmental education community in the Catholic tradition. In Mary's hope-filled spirit, we preserve and act in communion with the land and educate other communities in sustainability through ecology-based simple living, social justice and spirituality." -
MLK Day 2024
"ServeOhio Funds 19 Statewide Service Projects Taking Place in celebration of MLK Day
These grants support more than 1,300 volunteers engaging in local community service projects across fifteen Ohio cities
ServeOhio, the Governor-appointed commission on service and volunteerism, announces grant awards to support 19 local Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service projects throughout January totaling more than $25,000. Much like Dr. King’s legacy, these grants will help nonprofits across the state improve their communities through service and volunteer activities. The grants will fund service projects in fifteen Ohio cities led by more than 1,300 volunteers.
Each project commits to bringing volunteers together to create or improve community assets or infrastructure and supports local community engagement and impact. Additionally, every project includes an education component based on Dr. King’s message of peace, unity, and service to create long-term, sustainable change.
ServeOhio awards these grants with support from the American Electric Power Foundation. Each grant totals between $250 - $1,500." -
Religion and Environmentally-Induced Displacement
The goal of this project is to enhance people's understanding of the religious response to environmental displacement in Latin America. This database includes a list of past workshops and public events related to the subject as well as relevant documentaries on the topic. -
A Jewish Response to Environmental Stewardship: LEEDing the Way
The article highlights Temple Israel of Minneapolis's achievement of LEED Gold Certification, reflecting their commitment to sustainability through a multi-year renovation project. This accomplishment aligns with their Jewish values, particularly the principle of Pikuach Nefesh, which emphasizes protecting life and the environment. The synagogue's efforts extend beyond their building to include community-wide initiatives such as climate action resource fairs and partnerships with environmental organizations. Their ongoing commitment to sustainability is showcased through continuous improvements and active participation in broader climate justice movements. -
Engaged Organizations: Global Oneness Project
The Global Oneness Project was founded in 2006 as an initiative of Kalliopeia Foundation, and is focused on education aimed a planting seeds of empathy, resilience, and a sacred relationship to our planet. They are passionate about the power of stories and offer a rich library of multimedia stories comprised of award-winning films, photo essays, and essays as well as companion curriculum and discussion guides focused on world culture, social justice and sustainability. -
The Sierra Club Efforts to Protect Wildlife
The Sierra Club is a nonprofit Environmental organization based in the United States and was created in 1892. Among their many environmental initiatives they plan on conserving wildlife. The Sierra Clubs goal is to protect 30% of the natural world by 2030. Not only will preserving the land wildlife it will also provide people with clean water, clean air, and climate stability. This article describes the Sierra Clubs involvement with Endangered Species Day. -
Muslims for Progressive Values
MPV (Muslims for Progressive Values) establishes and nurtures vibrant progressive Muslim communities. We do this by creating opportunities for religious discourse, volunteer and community activities, and cultural events bringing together the arts, spirituality, and social activism.
Since our inception, we have secured DPI and ECOSOC Special Consultative Status at the U.N., and a founding member of the Alliance of Inclusive Muslims, or AIM, an umbrella organization spanning 13 countries and 17 cities.
MPV is a progressive Muslim voice on contemporary issues. We voice our perspectives with policy briefs, by participating in civil discourse, engaging with the media and government entities, and by partnering with both Muslim and non-Muslim progressive organizations.
MPV promotes theologically-sound frameworks for Islamic liberalism. We seek to reinvigorate the Islamic tradition of ijtihad (critical engagement and interpretation of sacred texts) and intellectual discourse. We do this by collaborating with religious scholars and developing position papers on theological issues that are accessible to a wide audience.
Muslims for Progressive Values has been in existence since 2007. Quietly and diligently, we have been building our progressive community, one city at a time, and now one country at a time. Since its inception, MPV has expanded to include communities in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington DC, Atlanta, Columbus (OH), New York, Chicago, Boston, Minnesota and The Netherlands. -
Eco-Justice Ministries
Eco-Justice Ministries is an independent, ecumenical agency that helps churches care for all of God's creation, and develop ministries that are faithful, relevant and effective in working toward social justice and environmental sustainability.
Their website showcases environmental efforts such as helping churches "go green" and helping individuals adopt eco-responsible lifestyles. You can also find an archive of Eco-Justice Notes that respond to racial justice issues and focus on uniting faith communities for a more equitable future. -
Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach
The Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach (CCAO) was founded in 1985 as the national advocacy office for the Missionary Society of St. Columban in the United States.
CCAO serves as the line of communication between Columban missionaries on the ground and policy-makers in Washington, D.C. Their mission is to work towards a more just, peaceful, and environmentally sustainable world by engaging in the political process guided by our faith and the Gospel. They work for structural change for the poor and marginalized populations Columbans serve around the world. Moreover, they advocate for policies and structures that bring society and the world into the right relationships with all of God’s Creation.
CCAO follows Catholic Social Teaching as their lens to engage in legislative advocacy and community engagement. -
AOHD (Archdiocesan Office for Human Development)
AOHD promotes activities concerning charity, integral human development, justice and peace within the Catholic Church's Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese. It operates under the purview of the AOHD Secretariat and Board of Management. -
Texas Impact and Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy
Texas Impact exists to put faith into action. They equip faith leaders and their congregations with the information, opportunities, and outreach tools to educate their communities and engage with lawmakers on pressing public policy issues. They are an interfaith group that works together on issues such as racial discrimination, climate change, economic justice, and human rights that impact the most vulnerable people in our communities.
The Interfaith Center is Texas Impact’s 501(c)(3) research and education partner. The Interfaith Center’s board includes thought leaders; government affairs professionals; public servants; and communications experts. They provide the political insight and guidance that help Texas Impact offer clear, relevant, information that faith communities need to be effective advocates. -
Green Umbrella Impact Team: Faith Communities Go Green
MISSION: Partnering with religious communities to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all by mobilizing their moral voice to reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change.
VISION: Religious communities collaborating to integrate care for creation in their lives and society. -
Green Umbrella: Regional Sustainability Alliance
Green Umbrella is the regional sustainability alliance of Greater Cincinnati, with over 200 member organizations and over 200 individual members passionate about enhancing the environmental health and vitality of our region.
Green Umbrella facilitates collaboration among non-profits, businesses, educational institutions and governmental entities to meet the environmental, social, and economic needs of today while preserving the ability of future generations to thrive. -
The Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES)
The Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES) is a foundation founded in the United Kingdom committed to the preservation of the Earth as a healthy environment for all living things. This is also a call on Muslims to live up to their obligations as guardians of Allah's creation (Khalaifa - Qur'an 6:165) and endeavor to ensure that future generations inherit a livable planet.
"Our exertions since the mid-1980s have been directed towards creating mass awareness and include research, the production of teaching materials, training, and project development and we offer this work as a gift to our fellow humans whoever and wherever they may be." -
The Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative
Established in 2016, the Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative is a coalition of Cape and Islands-based organizations, businesses and citizens whose mission is to unite available knowledge, resources, talent and tools to mitigate climate change impacts on Cape Cod, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and work toward achieving “net zero”-based goals for the Cape & Islands. We seek to create conditions to foster innovative, feasible, cross-sector solutions to the climate crisis.
Board members include community leaders from across the region representing organizations such as the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, Cape Air, Cape Light Compact, Center for Coastal Studies, Friends of Pleasant Bay, Outer Cape Energize, Woods Hole Research Center, and numerous faith, educational, non-profit and business entities. -
International Environmental Forum
The International Environment Forum, as a Bahá'í-inspired professional organization for environment and sustainability, shares and upholds the principles and ideals of the Bahá'í Faith and supports its efforts to establish and promote peace, the unity of the human race, and an ever-advancing world civilization that preserves the ecological balance of the planet.
The Bahá'í Writings warn of the dangers of material civilization carried to excess, enjoin moderation, emphasize the oneness of humankind, and support ecological principles such as the interrelatedness of all things, unity in diversity, and the fundamental reality of increasing levels of cooperation, complexity and reciprocity across the vast extent of creation. The Bahá'í Faith considers the preservation of the ecological balance at all levels in the world to be of vital concern to all humanity, and urges action for the environment and sustainable development from the local to the global level in ways that are in harmony with the rhythm of life in the community. Our inner life cannot be separated from the environment around us, the two being intimately interrelated, requiring that environmental and sustainable development issues also be addressed at the level of fundamental ethical and moral values and principles. -
The U.S. Baha'i Office of Public Affairs
The Office of Public Affairs for the Baha’is of the United States was founded in 1985 to represent the American Baha’i community on the national stage.
Today, we collaborate with governmental and non-governmental organizations, individuals, and groups to advance thought around our focus areas, which currently comprise racial unity & justice, the environment, economic justice, human rights, the role of media in society, and gender equality & the advancement of women.
Our Office operates under the auspices of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States, the elected governing body of the American Baha’i community. -
ECHO Global Farm
ECHO introduces sustainable plants, climate-resilient techniques, and technologies to farmers around the world who are struggling to feed their families.
Through partnering with local NGOs, farmers, volunteers, and missionaries, ECHO is able to be efficient with their resources in providing aid where it's needed the most.
Empty bellies and empty hearts lead to pain and suffering for individuals, families, and communities across the world. ECHO believes that as active participants in the Great Commission and stewards of great agricultural knowledge, it is their duty to grow and make disciples. -
Muslim Hands
"We have long been prioritising environmental sustainability in all our projects. Many of the people in the developing world suffer the consequences of our irresponsible and indulgent lifestyle choices so it is our responsibility to be aware of the environmental impact that our actions have on others.
At Muslim Hands, we believe in operating projects in partnership with communities to deliver effective support that works in harmony with the surrounding environment. This means working locally to find sustainable solutions to the problems that people face.
This can take many forms. Rather than flooding markets with foreign produce, we purchase food, clothes and other necessities in the vicinity, or as close by as possible which reduces the carbon footprint and also boosts business for local traders.
Rather than clearing land for farming, we encourage the planting of orchards to bind the soil and provide people with a natural, long-term income source. Instead of using generators to produce electricity on new builds we use solar energy to reduce CO2 emissions. And environment forms an important part of our school curriculum, ensuring that the green message is passed onto future generations." -
Green Muslims
"Green Muslims is a volunteer-driven 501(C)3 headquartered in the metropolitan Washington, DC, area working to connect Muslims everywhere to nature and environmental activism. We host educational, service, and outdoor recreational events and strive to serve as a bridge connecting the Muslim community with local climate action organizations." -
Catholic Climate Covenant YouTube Page
This is the YouTube page for the Catholic Climate Covenant, containing several videos pertaining to their mission. Catholic Climate Covenant encourages US Catholics to care for creation and care for the poor. -
Faithfully Sustainable
"We envision a world where young Muslims have the community support and necessary resources to create just and sustainable solutions grounded in Islam. Ultimately, these solutions will address the impact of climate injustice, protect the most vulnerable, and serve as a step forward for young Muslims to fulfill their divine duty towards people and the planet.
We equip young Muslims and allies with a strong community, and the educational and financial resources necessary for them to create just and sustainable solutions." -
Indigenous Environmental Network
"Established in 1990 within the United States, IEN was formed by grassroots Indigenous peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues (EJ). IEN’s activities include building the capacity of Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.IEN accomplishes this by maintaining an informational clearinghouse, organizing campaigns, direct actions and public awareness, building the capacity of community and tribes to address EJ issues, development of initiatives to impact policy, and building alliances among Indigenous communities, tribes, inter-tribal and Indigenous organizations, people-of-color/ethnic organizations, faith-based and women groups, youth, labor, environmental organizations and others. IEN convenes local, regional and national meetings on environmental and economic justice issues, and provides support, resources and referral to Indigenous communities and youth throughout primarily North America – and in recent years – globally." -
Fund for Front Line Power
"Frontline communities — those impacted first, worst, and for centuries by environmental injustice and sytemic racism — have long-recognized that the climate crisis is here.
As we witness the escalating impacts of compounding crises and the innovations of interconnected solutions, we must accelerate the flow of liberated self-determination capital, land stewardship, and resources to the grassroots.
We cannot solve the climate crisis with incremental actions, market-based schemes, or techno-fixes that perpetuate harm. We must root our future in economies and communities grounded in equity, justice, and well-being. Frontline communities have developed bold and practical solutions that do just that!"