Gateway Into Sustainability


Gateway Into Sustainability
"This photo depicts a gateway into sustainability. Portraying a pathway into a huge lush garden. I believe gardens of any kind are a sustainable practice. That brings people closer to the earth while also providing a variety of amenities for said people. Not to mention the wildlife that flourishes too.This photo was taken in the fall of 2022 at the botanical gardens in Madison WI. In my mind I envision you’re entering a new world which is a lush paradise. Among that it’s filled with vocal birds, reptiles of all kinds, an array of colorful flowers. On the flip side I also envision as if you’re leaving the suffocating, bland concrete world behind." Taken by Logan Gosse. Submitted to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.
Logan Gosse
All audiences/General public
This information and image were submitted directly to the RESTORExchange Sustainability Photo Contest.
english Farms, Food, Gardens