Engaged Organizations: Christ the King Catholic Church, Columbus, OH
Engaged Organizations: Christ the King Catholic Church, Columbus, OH
Some creation care initiatives at Christ the King Catholic Church include: energy audit through Ohio IPL, LED lights and a new HVAC system, window replacements, creation care bulletin inserts, annual information programs, in progress - bike station outside of the church.
Jason Cervenec, Education and Outreach Director for OSU's Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, has helped plan and carry out a number of initiatives for events and projects at Christ the King Catholic Church over the past few years. With the assistance of Deb Steele, the Volunteer Coordinator for Ohio Interfaith Power and Light (Ohio IPL), Jason has organized energy audits that were conducted by Ohio IPL programming and support. The LED retrofit with diocese Facility Director, Bruce Boyan, has been a noteworthy achievement at the parish as well. Additional energy efficient projects have included window replacement (also with Bruce) and the installation of an HVAC system. While the parish center is currently undergoing renovation work, Jason and other parishioners have reviewed the plans to look for additional efficiency and sustainability improvements. Recently, Jason had designed creation care bulletin inserts, with feedback from the Creation Care team at the Columbus Catholic Diocese, that have been widely circulate around town. The annual creation care information program that Jason initiated has garnered substantial support, with roughly 30 people in attendance each time. An additional work in progress project includes the installation of a bike rack station outside of the parish.
Christ the King Catholic Church, Columbus, OH
Ohio IPL
Jason Cervenec
Bruce Boylan, Jerry Freewalt, Sister Margaret Hoffman, Sister Nancy Miller, and Karen Scheid
Roman Catholic
All audiences/General public
Congregation members
(Church) Administrators
Religious Education Teachers
Resources For Action
House of Worship
Success Stories
Climate and Energy