Engaged Organizations: Catholic Diocese of Columbus, OH Facilities Team


Engaged Organizations: Catholic Diocese of Columbus, OH Facilities Team
The Catholic Diocese of Columbus, OH Facilities Team members Bruce Boyan and Sheri Rogers have been leaders in promoting energy efficiency throughout the diocese. One of the most critical improvements have included changing over to LED lighting, saving in both costs and energy usage.
Bruce Boyon, Facilities Director at the Columbus Catholic Diocese, began promoting light replacement with LED bulbs early on relative to other organizations in the area. The downtown cathedral lights had started to become old and dangerous over time, so Bruce found a replacement LED tube bulb that made economic sense and was convenient to use. These bulbs don’t need to be change as often because they are designed to last longer (5-year warranty) and generate less heat, so less is AC is needed. In total, there has been over $600,000 in savings since the start of the diocesan project. AEP had rolled out rebates for bulbs and other energy efficiency improvements, which provided for a favorable business model to prospective users. In accordance with principles from Laudato Si', the aim is to push for a larger movement to change over to more efficient sources of energy.
Catholic Diocese of Columbus, OH Facilities Team
Roman Catholic
All audiences/General public
(Church) Administrators
The original html version of this resource was accessed at https://columbuscatholic.org/facilities on December 14, 2019.
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