Engaged Organizations: Wild Church Network


Engaged Organizations: Wild Church Network
The Wild Church Network website describes their focus on spiritually re-connecting to the outdoors:

"We are a growing network of pastors and spiritual leaders, who have made bold moves to launch new expressions of church outside to re-acquaint, re-cover, and re-member our congregations as loving participants of a larger community. In this age of mass extinctions, we feel burdened by the love of Christ to invite people into direct relationship with some of the most vulnerable victims of our destructive culture: our land, our waters, the creatures with whom we share our homes.

And, there, people remember that they belong to a larger beloved community. Along the way, we have remembered that our Christian tradition of spiritual transformation has always been rooted in the actual local wilderness."
Wild Church Network
All audiences/General public
Congregation members
(Church) Administrators
Resources For Action
House of Worship
Resources For Worship
Creation Spirituality
english Simplicity and Mindfulness

Linked resources

Items with "Relation: Engaged Organizations: Wild Church Network"
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Center for Spirituality in Nature Organization