Engaged Organizations: Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers


Engaged Organizations: Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers
The following is an excerpt from the Catholic Association of Diocean Ecumenical and Interreligous Officers' call to care for creation on their website:

"Catholics now realize that the environment is equally as important as the social issues that have been given attention in the Church and that in fact, certain of these issues are tied inextricably to our care of the earth or lack thereof. Can even one individual live without clean air, water, or food? Can any life be protected without concern for the basic systems and networks required to sustain life? If we “teach a man to fish” but the water is so polluted that fish are poisoned or if overfishing causes them to become extinct, what then?

Catholics in past centuries were not concerned about air, water, soil and climate for the simple reason that these life systems were not endangered. Clergy and faithful had no need to be worried that the water, wheat, or grapes required for our sacramental life might be dangerously polluted or ruined by climate extremes. Current threats to creation are a sign of our times."
Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers
Roman Catholic
All audiences/General public
The original html version of this resources was accessed at http://creation.cadeio.org/a-roman-catholic-spirituality-to-care-for-creation/ on February 17, 2020.
english Sustainability
english Biodiversity

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Engaged Organization: The Catholic Climate Covenant Organization