Resolution on Global Warming and Atmospheric Degradation


Resolution on Global Warming and Atmospheric Degradation
The Church of the Brethren of The General Board issued their Resolution on Global Warming and Atmospheric Degradation on October 21, 1991. The final section of the resolution, discussing the General Board commitment, is as follows:

"FURTHER the General Board commits itself to; support and participate in national and international networks of religious bodies and other non-governmental organizations addressing the greenhouse effect; and continue through its program staff, within the context of a theology based on caring for the earth, and educational effort to acquaint the members of the Church of the Brethren with the nature, causes, and consequences of the greenhouse effect, including suggestions for individual and collective action to help address the problem. This will include the promotion of the use of the General Board’s study resource, Creation in Crisis: Responding to God’s Covenant, in all congregations. We will elicit the cooperation of District Executive as agents within each district to work directly with pastors to reach the membership of the church."
Resolution on Global Warming and Atmospheric Degradation
Date Created
October 21, 1991
Church of the Brethren General Board in Elgin, Illinois
Church of the Brethren
All audiences/General public
The original pdf version of this resource was accessed at on March 7, 2020.
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