A Quaker Response to the Crisis of Climate Change


A Quaker Response to the Crisis of Climate Change
A Quaker Response to the Crisis of Climate Change discusses how climate change and consumer waste negatively impacts disadvantage populations the most. The first two paragraphs of the introduction are stated below:

"The crisis of global climate change represents a supreme test of humanity’s collective wisdom and courage. Our immoderate use of the Earth’s resources violates the entire biosphere, threatening the lives of millions of people and the habitats of thousands of species. Many of the poorest people are already suffering a changed climate; they are
asking us all to act.

How has humanity produced this crisis? Our faith response is that prevailing social values have obscured what it means to live authentically on this Earth. In rich European countries we consume more than we need within an economic system that divides us as a society; in much that we do, we cause harm to the planet and each other without enriching our lives."
A Quaker Response to the Crisis of Climate Change
Date Created
June 2009
Susan Seymour
Mainline Protestant
Religious Society of Friends, Friends United Meeting
All audiences/General public
The original html version of this resource was accessed at https://together.woodbrooke.org.uk/quaker.org.uk_mirror/quaker-response-crisis-climate-change.html on April 24, 2020
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