A Resolution on Climate Change 2007 GS26


A Resolution on Climate Change 2007 GS26
In 2007, The United Church of Christ put forth a resolution on climate change. They acknowledge the negative impact of global warming and urge governing bodies to support measures that reduce green house gas emissions. The following is an excerpt from the 2007 resolution on climate change:

"WHEREAS, the predicted impact of global warming will have a disproportionate impact on those living in poverty, least developed countries, the elderly and children and those least responsible for the emissions of greenhouse gases;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Twenty-sixth General Synod of the United Church of Christ admits Christian complicity in the damage human beings have caused to the earth's climate system and other planetary life systems, and urges recommitment to the Christian vocation of responsible stewardship of God's creation, and expresses profound concern for the pending environmental, economic, and social tragedies threatened by global warming, to creation, human communities and traditional sacred spaces;

WE FURTHER RESOLVE that the Twenty-sixth General Synod of the United Church of Christ urges the United States Government to respond to global warming with great urgency and firm leadership by supporting mandatory measures that reduce the absolute amount of green house gas emissions, and in particular emissions of carbon dioxide, to levels recommended by nationally and internationally recognized and respected scientific bodies;"
A Resolution on Climate Change 2007 GS26
Mainline Protestant
United Church of Christ
All audiences/General public
The original html version of this resource was accessed at https://www.ucc.org/environmental-ministries_synod-resolutions_a-resolution-on-climate on March 26, 2020.
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