Engaged Organization: United Methodist Women


Engaged Organization: United Methodist Women
Over the years, the United Methodist Women organization has grown to become the largest denominational faith organization for women. Maintaining a membership of approximately 800,000, these women have a mission of fostering spiritual growth and developing leaders, while also advocating for justice. They have excelled at fundraising, raising approximately $20 million each year to go to programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and also in more than 100 countries around the world.

Some examples of resources from their website includes tools to aid in sustainable living and advocacy in a theological way, a carbon footprint calculator, articles on climate justice, and a simulation experience to better understand environmentally downgraded communities. The following section from their website provides an overview of their principles and values in action:

"United Methodist Women and The United Methodist Church's principles and values include:

Promoting the empowerment of women, children and youth.
Promoting anti-racism and multiculturalism.
Promoting inclusion and equity.
Promoting fair labor practices.
Promoting economic and environmental stewardship and sustainability."
United Methodist Women
Mainline Protestant
The United Methodist Church
All audiences/General public
Resources For Action

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Items with "Relation: Engaged Organization: United Methodist Women"
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Official Denominational Environmental Webpage – United Methodist Website