Towards interreligious understanding and global peace: a compendium by The United Religions Initiative (URI) and UNESCO Chair for Peace and Intercultural Understanding


Towards interreligious understanding and global peace: a compendium by The United Religions Initiative (URI) and UNESCO Chair for Peace and Intercultural Understanding
The United Religions Initiative (URI) in collaboration with UNESCO Chair for Peace and Intercultural Understanding and Banaras Hindu University is developing a compendium on Interreligious/Interfaith Dialogue, Good Practices and Future Directions. This Book seeks to collate innovative narratives and good practices of interreligious/interfaith dialogue from across cultures and regions to supplement the expanding scope and outreach of UN engagement with religious entities. To this end, faith leaders, activists, and FBOs are encouraged to contact Tanya Sablok ( to share the vision and contribution to interfaith and intercultural dialogue. Visit the UNESCO page to learn more about their work.
Shanti Sangam: Towards Interreligious Understanding and Global Peace
UNESCO Intercultural Dialogue
UNESCO Interreligious Dialogue
All audiences/General public
english Human Health & Well-being