The Story of Stuff (Documentary)


The Story of Stuff (Documentary)
The Story of Stuff is a short animated documentary about the lifecycle of material goods. The documentary is critical of excessive consumerism and promotes sustainability.

Filmmaker Annie Leonard wrote and narrated the film, which was funded by Tides Foundation, Funders Workgroup for Sustainable Production and Consumption, Free Range Studios and other foundations. Free Range Studios also produced the documentary, which was first launched online on December 4, 2007.

The documentary is used in elementary schools, arts programs, and economics classes as well as places of worship and corporate sustainability trainings. By February 2009, it had been seen in 228 countries and territories. According to the Los Angeles Times as of July 2010, the film had been translated into 15 languages and had been viewed by over 12 million people.
Link to video
Date Created
December 4, 2007
Directed by Louis Fox
Produced by Erica Priggen
Written by Annie Leonard
Narrated by Annie Leonard
Edited by Braelan Murray
All audiences/General public
All Youth audiences
School Teachers
Sustainability Businesses
Environmental Organization
The Story of Stuff Project
english Eco-Justice
english Poverty
english Human Health & Well-being
english Climate
english Consumerism
english Mindfulness & Simplicity
english Hope

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Items with "Relation: The Story of Stuff (Documentary)"
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The Story of Stuff (Documentary) Film
Items with "Relation: The Story of Stuff (Documentary)"
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The Story of Stuff Project Project